Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Evaluation 2

Here is my Prezi of Evaluation 2!

(Read more if Prezi doesn't work)

In case of error using Prezi, here is the written text.

How effective is the combination of your main product with ancillary texts?

I began to think about my ancillary texts before I even began my video. I wanted my ancillary tasks to clearly link with my video in order to highlight the continuity of the album. By thinking about my ancillary tasks before my filming took place and having a clear idea of what I wanted to create, this allowed me to take my images for my digipak and poster on the same day that I was filming. Overall this saved time for me and my actors and meant that I had my images ready for me to start creating my digipak as soon as I needed them.

The main way in which I established a link between my 3 pieces was the colourful balloons. My music video contained a large amount of multicoloured balloons as my actors all played with them throughout. I decided that this was the section that I wanted my ancillary texts to link to as it is very recognisable and eye-catching.

The first ancillary text I began to create was my digipak. I used an image that I took on the day of filming with my actors surrounded by balloons, much like in my music video. This is the original image that I used:
This would be recognisable if a potential customer had seen the video and wanted to buy the digipak because of the brightly coloured balloons and the costumes worn by the band. I edited this image to make it even more recognisable and professional:
As you can see above, I also used this image on my poster. This is because the recurring images and costume mean that the audience would begin to associate these images and colours with the band, allowing me to gain an audience that would follow the band through future experiences.
Using the exact same image on my poster means that if a customer was convinced to buy the digipak after looking at this promo poster, it would be very easy to recognise the right digipak in a shop full of them. This relates to Goodwin's theory of recurring motifs as an audience will get used to the band's style and they will hopefully gain a following.

During the making of my ancillary tasks, I noticed that a lot of digipaks and promo posters include vibrant, bright colours, such as this digipak:
The image on this digipak is very captivating. However, if the couch had not been such a vibrant colour, this probably would not be so eye-catching. This digipak inspired me to use a powerful colour scheme in order to entice my potential audience to pick up my digipak. These bright colours strongly convey the pop genre. Since my album is a mixture between the rock and pop genres, on my poster, I decided to make the borders and text simple black and white, conveying the darker, simple side of the rock genre. Throughout my digipak, I used black and white text to keep the writing simple and easy to read against the busy background and to bring in the rock genre.

When I began creating the inside of my digipak, I first wanted the inside left panel to relate to the second half of my music video.
Draft Inside left:
I spent about an hour on this piece, adding the glare across the bottom half of the image and setting out the text. However, after working on it for the hour, I realised that this image, even though it connected well with my music video, it did not convey the same motif as the rest of my digipak and my poster. I decided that this part of the digipak needed to continue on with my theme of colour in order to create synergy throughout all of my pieces.
Finished inside left:
I took a screenshot from my music video and ensured that it was clear enough to use as a still image. using a screenshot from my video further emphasises the synergy between my pieces. I believe that this piece fits along with the rest of my pieces a lot better than my draft piece. I also chose quite a comedic shot in order to convey the fun that the band was having to connect with the album title "Ain't it fun".
The comedic aspect also allows my audience to connect with the band and feel as though they can relate and enjoy the experience with them, as they can in the video.

My logo is clearly present in all 3 of my pieces to ensure that the audience and buyers know that the 3 texts are linked and are made by the same company.

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